I am primarily a content creator. I focus on producing and distributing compelling and effective content. I look for the best tools to help me achieve that goal for myself and my clients.

When it comes to websites, there are many options. You could hire a web developer to build a site from scratch. And you may want to do that if you have very specific requirements or you have a very complex site.

You could also use an easy drag-and-drop web builder, such as Squarespace or Woo. This may be a great solution for someone who needs an easy on-line presence and doesn’t mind spending some time with set-up. However, you won’t get much flexibility here or room to grow.

A good solution for many people is using WordPress with a pre-designed WordPress theme. With this option, your site will be running on WordPress, which powers up to 25% of the website out there. There are many people well-versed in using WordPress, it’s easy to update and maintain, and if your site grows it is easy to expand using WordPress. There are many themes to choose from and your site can have a custom look for a low cost.

Having a content creator develop your site using a pre-designed theme has many advantages. One of the biggest hurdles that many people have when building a site is they don’t know what content they want and need on the site. Having a content creator be your point person can help you overcome this challenge and, if your content creator is well versed in using WordPress themes, you can have a beautifully designed site with content that makes sense, without hiring a developer or a designer.